We wake to hear Helene’s final decision – she is going on with the Germans. The good news is that someone from our group might make the trail. The bad news is that we have to re-sort food and say goodbye. We take one last group picture before she leaves.
The rest of us will stroll towards a day of rest at Inland Lake. We are officially off plan.

We stop at the car camping campground, borrow a canoe, and paddle and piddle around the lake. We are settling in with the parked RVs, kids circling on bikes, and bundles of firewood for 7 dollars Canadian. The highlight of my day is watching a bullfrog stock, catch, and eat swordtail butterflies.
Coral’s husband apparently misses her, and has agreed to bring in their 4 wheel drive vehicle. He is willing to pluck us out at Fiddlehead in a couple of days. He may even bring Steve’s group in, after their scheduled zero day. It will be kind of like a prisoner exchange. But to make it happen, we have to get up and over the dreaded Confederation Lake pass.

Steve calls via his satellite phone, and reports that the trail up to Confederation is not as bad as feared. Their fast pack was there by 11:00am, and the rest were there by 1:00pm. It appears we could have made it on the original plan, yet my three seem quite happy with their decision.
Tomorrow we will move 3 kilometers down to Anthony’s Island, to stage for our ascent to Confederation lake.