Day 11 – Propel

Mile 119 to 134
Hiker Shack
Hiker Shack

Today’s start is rough. Bri is bonking and struggling to find energy. She is eating and drinking water, but the 2 mile/hr pace is getting close to 1.  I ask if she has had any electrolytes. Brian makes her some Propel and she becomes superwoman, making up lost ground.

We arrive at Mikes, a trail angel who provides water, shelter and all kinds of hiker amenities.  We filter water from his huge tank, then make our way down to enjoy the shade by his house. It has everything you imagine at a hiker haven: chairs, hammocks, outdoor cooking set up and a hiker box that is actually a room full of pay it forward supplies, gear and food.

Mike is not there and it is early in the season, making it a little like a hippie ghost town. We chat with some German hikers and eventually push on in the heat.

Filtering Water
Filtering Water
