Our sleep by the shelter is less than satisfying. The trail crew talks loud and late into the night. When they finally retire an owl keeps the conversation going, but we’re not sure with who, who, who. In the early hours some insanely loud insects start their shift. We pack up quickly and hit the trail while the trail crew sleeps, probably exhausted from all that keeping us awake stuff.

From the shelter we hike to Bobby Lake for water. We probably could have made it to Charlton Lake, but it was not listed on Guthook’s elevation profile. Bobby Lake is beautiful. Kevin’s feet not so much. I filter and Kevin again tends to his blisters, though things are not going well in that department.
We hike through a long stretch of burn area. There is nothing like miles and miles of shadeless dead trees to make you appreciate the live ones. It is eerie crossing this standing and downed telephone pole farm. The wild flowers at the base of some of the poles reach out to cheer us up, but are mostly unsuccessful. It is just too hot.

We break for an early dinner at Brahma Lake. I take a quick swim while Kevin fights with his blisters. Just as the dehydrated beans are rehydrated and ready for tortillas, we experience a hydration bonus in the form of a thundershower. I scurry to set up my tent and toss in our gear. It comes down pretty hard, but not very long. In fact, it is just long enough to get everything wet and move on.
After dinner and drying we repack and push on to what is described as a scenic pond. Kevin arrives at camp and declares he cannot go on much longer like this. We need a solution to his blisters, but are kind of at a loss. We may stop at Elk Resort tomorrow and beg for more first aid supplies. We also may have to hitch out to Sisters in 60 miles for more serious help.