I wake at 1:30 am, only to remember how stupid I am. I plug the phone into the charger again and set it next to, but not in, my sleeping bag. I pray for Lithium forgiveness and fall back asleep. I wake at five to find one of the blue lights on my external battery off, meaning 1/4 of the power went somewhere. Did it go in my phone, or just leak all over my Tyvek ground cloth? I press the button on my cell phone and almost cry for joy when I hear the annoying “Droid” as it powers up. The greatest news is that no one has to know I do not know my wife’s cell number.

We press on towards the Acton KOA. It is much hotter today, and we are feeling it. On the way I come upon a group stopped dead in their tracks. A huge agitated rattlesnake is blocking the trail and there is no way around. The group has been here for over ten minutes. I take some video, then encourage the snake across the trail, feeling very brave.
A few minutes later a racer snake rips down the hill and ends up between my legs, and on my foot. As I complete my stride, the poor snake goes flying. I think the snake and I shared a moment of excitement neither of us will soon forget.
My plan was to resupply at Agua Dulce, but most hikers are instead heading to the KOA. It is the last chance for a shower and laundry for awhile. I will still need to resupply some food as we walk through Agua Dulce, which has an actual grocery store. I mostly need snack bars. Todd has shipped a resupply to KOA and has way too much. His left over Pasta Sides and instant potatoes will tide me over. I am not sure if the grocery store will have a medium sized fuel canister, so I purchase a huge one here. I do not look forward to carrying the monster, but at least I can cook. Tonight, however, we order pizza, a large Canadian bacon and pineapple, which we feast upon.