Day 3 – Easter Eggs

Mile 22 to 36
Easter Sunrise
Easter Sunrise

We wake to the distant sounds of church hymns, belting out a sunrise service.  Oh yeah, it is Easter. I lay shivering in my frost covered bag, thinking about my Uncle Bob. Today will be his memorial service, and I will celebrate his life right here, where I think he would want me to be. Not that he didn’t like having me around, but rather because he was always supportive.

After a quick breakfast we get on the trail, pick up some water at a horse campground, and head up the hill. Part way up, we drop next to the trail exhausted. Coming southbound, out of nowhere, appears our first naked hiker. Here we sit, like children on the curb at the Macy’s parade, when the strangest, most inappropriate balloon animal floats by our face. In my mind I make several observations, all beginning and ending with “What the frig?!” But in reality I say “Hi” as if nothing is out of the ordinary. After he passes, I turn to Bri and say, “Perhaps he is showing off his Easter eggs.” Bri responds, “On Easter, he should do a better job of hiding them.” Brian, forever playing the scavenger game, exclaims “Damn, he’s wearing shoes!” Here we are needing to find a barefoot hiker, instead we meet his inverse.

Later in the day, Brian finds an actual Easter egg, hidden on the trail that says “Happy Easter Hiker.”

Easter Surprise?
Easter Surprise?
Easter Egg
Easter Egg

Easter Dinner
Easter Dinner