We again wake to howling wind and frost, but the weather forecast for snow keeps us focused. I don’t even make coffee. We need to move. Bri tends to her blisters, which are getting worse. We wrestle our tents into our packs. They are wet, and so are our bags. We hike through fog, towards what we hope will be water. The views of the desert are awesome, but we do not slow to enjoy. At Pioneer Park we find a water cache, which we gladly deplete. We push on. Even with Bri’s blisters, we are making this a 16 mile day.
We stop briefly to pop some of her blisters. We find another water cache near Sunrise Trail head, with a note that it needs to be filtered, which we do. We hunker down in a totally windy area, hoping the forecast for rain is wrong. Other thru-hikers pass by, clearly exhausted, but not willing to settle for this clearly unsafe and windy location. Turns out, they are right.