The early morning is cold, with crazy blowing winds. It rained a couple of times in the night, and Brian’s tent collapsed multiple times, driving his hiking pole through the tent top and mesh. No time for repairs now, we need to move. Six miles ahead is a potential water source, a leaking tank at Rodriquez Road. After that, there is no reliable water for 32 miles. We are extremely thankful to find the water tank full. The thought of going 39 miles without a water source, is more than we can face. We set up a day camp and begin drying gear, patching gear, and filtering water. It is strange how important liquid is, yet we do not like it falling from the sky in 50 mile per hour wind, nor building up in Bri’s blisters, yet we get both. We drink bottle after bottle of Chia water, until our eyes are floating, and we tire of peeing.
We prepare an early dinner near the water. My tyvek tarp now has a large burn hole, exactly the same size as Brian’s stove. I am not accusing, just saying. We press on towards what truly appears to be our first desert floor. Bri is losing steam. We probably need to take our first zero. Scissors crossing may have water, and we can hitch to Julian if we need more food.