Terri and Daniel are scheduled to meet us at Sonora Pass. There is only 7 miles between me and my family. Unfortunately there is also a big climb and about 3 miles of snow.
We get an early start to avoid the softer snow. It is no where near as bad as what BLT went through the evening before, but it does give us a taste of what’s to come. Our shoes are wet and we occasionally posthole up to our knees, especially near the rocks. Rocks have a tendency to heat up in the day, melting the snow around them. When you punch through near a rock it can be quite surprising how deep your foot can go.
We have heard of many hikers getting their legs bloodied in the process, and of one hiking alone that got his leg stuck so long that he almost gave up and pressed his emergency beacon. I hear a blood curdling scream behind me, thankfully followed by laughter. Klutz has postholed practically to her waist.

After making it over the ridge, it is smooth sailing for the next 2.5 miles. I am practically running to see Terri and Daniel. Daniel has hiked part way up the trail, so he gets the first big hug. Soon after Terri gets the next. Terri had previously met Klutz and Mountain Goat, but now she gets to meet Dish Cloth (Towel, Rag, or other various ways I have screwed up his name).
At the car we gorge on delicious trail magic. Daniel has cooked ribs, which he serves to us like pulled pork on buns. Terri has a cooler full of strawberries, grapes, Starbucks iced coffee, Dr Pepper, full fat chocolate milk, apple juice, and water. We all pass on the water, given that is all we ever get to drink.
Daniel drives us from 9,600 feet down to Kennedy Meadows North, which is below 7,000 feet. We meet up with BLT, Loran, and other thru-hikers. We shower, do laundry, resupply and eat. We are not sure how everyone will fit in the car back to the trail. BLT takes a ride from some women with a dog. While there, an exciting thunderstorm rolls through. A car arrives covered in hail. Loran and Dish Cloth decide to stay at Kennedy Meadows North for the night. Daniel and Terri drive Klutz, Mountain Goat and me back to 9,600 feet to find BLT.
When we arrive he sticks his head out of his tent, quite glad to see us. It is beginning to rain, so we quickly unload and say our goodbyes. Terri and Daniel are trying to get back within radio coverage for the Warrior’s game, and we need to pitch our tents and dive into cover. Tomorrow we have a huge snow climb, and we are praying for better weather.