The mosquitoes are particularly bad. I packed up quickly, then confirm plans with BLT. There is a campsite at Marie Lake in about 21 miles, just shy of Selden Pass. He points out that if we push we can go over the pass and camp on the other side. When BLT mentions two distances, he almost always does the furthest. He is still eating. I am usually slower than the youngster, so I start out confident he will eventually catch me.
I first have to get over Silver Pass, at 10,781 feet. On the way I enjoy views of Chief Lake and Warrior Lake. Just beyond the saddle is aptly named Silver Pass Lake. The lakes and streams are plump with plump trout, made so by the clouds of protein filled mosquitoes, who make stopping to admire the plump trout impossible.

I reach Marie Lake and there is still no sign of BLT. If I stop for any length of time, I will have to setup my tent to hide from the mosquitoes. I imagine the second I do, BLT will round the corner and want to push over Selden Pass. So I keep walking, up and over Selden Pass at 10,877. I pass Hart Lake and Sallie Keyes Lakes, all boiling with trout.
I eventually set my sights on a campsite advertised as big enough for 10 tents. I figure I will at least camp with someone, if not BLT. When I arrive the site is huge, but no one is here. I setup, eat and lord over my new found land, just not my people.