When I wake the mosquitoes are gone so I can finally do my duty. Perhaps they are attending a union safety meeting – “Remember, the hands and face are the most dangerous. Target the ankles or the back of the neck.” Or perhaps they are preparing for hike naked day, which has got to be better than Christmas.
As I pass streams of hikers on my way towards Pinchot Pass, at 12,104 feet of elevation, hike naked day is a complete bust. And by that I do not mean bare breasted. It is possible that my fantasy switch is flipped the wrong way and I am passing naked hikers that I imagine are fully clothed. But I doubt it.

On the way down the other side I finally encounter a couple in the buff. They are laughing and giggling awkwardly enough that I imagine they are real. Later in the day I encountered another naked male hiker. Although my sample size is small, it seems the men willing to hike naked are particularly well endowed.
After a very long down, I begin the long up towards Glen Pass. Just shy is Rae Lakes, which I had been told I should try to camp at if possible. When I arrive acrobatic trout are jumping out of the water to catch bugs in the air. It is quite fun to watch, so I stay.