SCT Day 2 – Plummer Creek Bridge

12 – 25 KM

Last night was too hot to get under my quilt, so I was eaten alive by mosquitos. I am not sure why the screaming bullfrogs could not have defended me. Flat spot or not, I will pitch a tent, rather than a fit, tomorrow night.

Manzanita Hut
Manzanita Hut

After coffee, hash browns and fake sausage, we soldier on towards Manzanita Hut. The 4 kilometers to the hut are pretty rugged. We think about and feel sorry for the Germans who pushed on last night after dinner. When we do finally make it to the hut, they are still here. They tell us they arrived after 11:00pm. We take pictures and enjoy the great views. They go on ahead, saddled with their “no I can do it without resupplying” monster packs.

Helene’s pack has a curse-able waist belt design, whose apparent hex is the requirement of a hex key. The key’s location is no longer known. We tighten the bolt several times with my pocket knife, but the keyed head is stripping, and we are not enjoying the show. I am unsure how it can possibly last 9 days.

Trail Break
Trail Break

The trail continues to offer us PUDs, or pointless ups and downs. Switchbacks? We don’t need no stinking switchbacks! At on overlook break we find a note from the other Fitpacking group 2 days ahead of us. It ominously states they hope to get to Plummer Creek in the daylight. Given it is light until after 9:30pm, perhaps things are not going so well.

We finally reached camp before 5:30pm and find another note saying they are probably changing their itinerary. Reading these sporadic notes is like trying to follow a reality TV show through Burma-Shave sign posts.

Plummer Creek Campground
Plummer Creek Campground

The Germans are with us. They had planned to go further, but aching feet do not allow. We filter water to wash down our falafel dinner. Tomorrow we hope to get an early start, attempting to stay on our itinerary.