TRT Mile 31 to 54.5
It rains lightly a few times in the night, but never enough to soak our things. We wake before 4:00am, to enjoy Via and hotel breakfast pastries by headlamp. Unfortunately, every time we turn on our headlamps a swarm of gnats appear. We take turns turning on and off our headlamps, in a futile attempt to confuse them.
After packing up, we rock scramble back up to the trail. It turns out that reversing Brian’s path down does not make a pleasant up. Only the gnats appear to enjoy our long struggle. Once on an actual stable trail, Brian immediately rolls his right ankle. My first reaction is that we are done for, but Brian soldiers on.
We hike under headlamp towards Relay Peak. On the way the wind blows, it rains, and it hails. As odd as it sounds, all of these things make the struggle up more pleasant. The dust is knocked down and the temperature remains tolerable.

The rest of the long day is mostly downhill. We filter water at slippery but beautiful Glenda Falls. I see in the guide application there is a bathroom at the Mount Rose trailhead 3 miles ahead. We adjust our body clocks according. Unfortunately, when we arrive we find the bathroom chained and out of service. Even more unfortunate, Kevin’s alarm is already alarming, and he has to rush into the trees to execute his backup plan.
Daniel recalls years ago mountain biking this section of the TRT to Tunnel Creek road. He also recalls getting through it much quicker than we are on foot. Lucky for us, today is the 31st, and mountain bikers are only allowed on this section on even days.

We finally make camp by 5:00pm. It has been a long day indeed. We hand pump water from a well, and make a couscous dinner.
Tomorrow will be a much shorter 14 miles, but we will have to add a few more to hike down and back to Spooner Lake for water.