TRT Mile 140 to 158
We wake before the sun, and make coffee and granola with powdered milk. We pack and re-find the trail by 6:30am. The boys seem to be hitting their literal stride. We are keeping a good 2.5 mile per hour pace. Daniel, however is starting to feel chaffing on his hip. He tapes it, and never slows down, but is clearly feeling some pain.
We cruise past the tree-lined Richardson Lake without even pausing. We have either become completely jaded by beauty, or we are simply on a mission to get in our 17 miles. We do however stop for a trailside lunch at the outlet stream of Bear Lake. With no lakes to swim in on this leg, we settle for setting our bums in the creek. It is surprisingly good.

We hump it up to Barker Pass trailhead, where we find a parking lot with a pit toilet. Daniel is having a better than normal success in this department.
We arrive at camp early, but ready to be done. We set up, filter water, and cook up bean burritos with the last of the Fritos. Brian is exhausted, and falls asleep without having dinner. Perhaps he is saving himself for Tahoe City tomorrow. However, there are about 14 miles of trail between us and civilization.