SCT Day 9 & 10 – Powell River

80 KM

Powell Lake - Fiddlehead

Powell Lake – Fiddlehead

I wake in the hut early, with plenty of time to kill. We are not expecting Perry and Steve until 9:00am, and the others are still sleeping.  I slink down to the water, remove most of my clothes, and swim in the surprisingly warm Powell Lake. I can feel the crystalized salts melting off my body.

For breakfast we have oatmeal and leftovers. I polish off chunks of cheese, which I chase with spoonfuls of Nutella. Later, I will become civilized.

Steve and Perry finally arrive at 9:30am. They lead us back to the car, but the rest of Steve’s group has already gone. They are now grunting up the trail to Tin Hat Hut, while we are gliding down logging roads to Powell River.

We are earlier than checkin time at the hotel, but our smiles and smells help us get enough rooms to start showers. We are re-united with Helene. She updates us on her her crazy adventures of rain, hail, mud trenches, German’s quitting, and eventually getting lost.

After showers, meals, and laundry, reality begins to set in.  The weather forecast is rain for the rest of the week. Coral decides to go with her husband to visit family. Marjie wants to explore day hikes, but no more major elevation and camping in the rain. Helene, my last hope, decides she too has had enough.

Alternative plans are made, flights changed, and good-byes said.

Someday I will to return to finish this trail.